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The National Recreation Trails Database


National Recreation Trails (NRTs) provide for numerous outdoor recreation activities in a variety of urban, rural, and remote areas. Nearly 1,100 trails in all 50 states, available for public use and ranging from less than a mile to 485 miles in length, have been designated as NRTs on federal, state, municipal, and privately owned lands.

Accessing the National Recreation Trails Database

The online database contains information on 1110 National Recreation Trails in all 50 states.Click a button below to access the database:


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American Trails is working with the National Park Service, the USDA Forest Service, the Bureau of Land Management, and the US Fish and Wildlife Service on the National Recreation Trails Program. Trails may be nominated for NRT designation each year.For more information on National Recreation Trails and to learn how to apply for NRT designation, see the NRT Homepage hosted by American Trails.